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Experimental facilities

The Lund Laser Centre, with is many research groups, holds a very broad range of experimental facilities and advanced research equipment. It presently operates about 160 scientific lasers of Class-4 and 40 of Class-3B, in 34 different research laboratories. These state-of-the-art laboratories, with advanced lasers and auxiliary equipment, include the Lund High-power Laser Facility with high-power femtosecond laser systems, several combustion diagnostics research laboratories, dedicated bio-photonics laboratories, a quantum optics laboratory, and a number of specialised laboratories for ultrafast chemical dynamics. The collaborative and cross-disciplinary spirit of the LLC opens possibilities for research utilizing novel and unique combinations of these laser systems and equipment.

Examples of Experimental facilities

  • High-power laser laboratories, including a 10 Hz 35 fs, 40 TW laser, a 1 kHz 5 mJ CEP-stabilized system, and a 200 kHz OPCPA system for attosecond spectroscopy.
  • Streak cameras for visible/VUV and X-rays, electron and ion time-of-flight spectrometers.
  • Quantum computing and quantum memories laboratory with CW single-mode lasers and cryostats for 4K and 77K optical spectroscopy.
  • Femtochemistry laboratories, with high repetition-rate, tunable laser systems and pump/probe stations for ultrafast kinetics and spectroscopic studies. Set up for sub ps time resolved THz spectroscopy.
  • Combustion diagnostics laboratories, with wavelength tunable pulsed laser systems providing ns, ps, and fs pulse durations. High-repetition rate and burst laser systems for high-speed diagnostics. Image-intensified cameras, framing cameras and a streak camera. Mobile systems for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) measurements and for laser-induced fluorescence (LIF).
  • Mobile Scheimpflug-LIDAR systems based on diode lasers and transmitter and receiver telescopes for atmospheric sensing, ecological applications (e.g. studies of insects and birds), marine and vegetation monitoring.
  • Biomedical laser laboratories for medical fluorescence diagnostics and photodynamic tumour treatment. Systems for time-resolved scattering media spectroscopy and gas-in-scattering-media studies.
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