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Policy and Governance for the Lund Laser Centre


The Lund Laser Centre (LLC) was established at Lund University in 1995 and immediately gained the status of a European Large Scale Infrastructure, which it still holds. The Centre was largely an umbrella organization for its partners, but with some European Community funding for European Access to the LLC laboratories. In 2006, the LLC received a 10-year Linnaeus Grant from the Swedish Research Council. That grant constituted the major source of LLC common funding between 2006 and 2016.

Vision Statement for the Lund Laser Centre:
– to conduct world-leading research in laser spectroscopy, bridging fundamental light-matter interaction studies to practical applications in a multi-disciplinary approach, providing a wider understanding of the physical world while supporting important societal and industrial needs
pursued through
– collaborative work, within the Centre in interaction with external partners, in a synergy providing strong additional value.

Governance of the Centre:
The Lund Laser Centre is governed by a
Board with members appointed by the university Vice Chancellor after recommendations from the participating faculties and organizations, for a time duration of 3 years, and with Chairman and Director likewise appointed by the vice Chancellor of Lund University, for 3 years. LLC Statutes (in Swedish).

An LLC Research and Policy Day is arranged regularly for all LLC researchers and provides a wide exposure of LLC research activities, and a flow of ideas to shape the future LLC Research Programme.

LLC Gender Policy

The spectroscopy, laser and photonics fields traditionally have women as a strongly underrepresented gender. The LLC seeks to actively support, encourage and create opportunities for women

  • proactively considering the creation of suitable positions when strongly competitive female applicants are at hand
  • providing mentor and career developmental discussion opportunities,
  • arranging special events with model female personalities as guests,
  • sensitively responding to identified needs.

Services are provided by the LLC management in response to needs identified by the LLC female researchers.

Coordinated Programme of Master´s and PhD Courses

The Lund Laser Centre has no formal Graduate Research School, but it assists in creating a coordinated and coherent advanced study programme in Photonics. It provides updated listings of Photonics courses given by the participating divisions. It further arranges special courses in identified, otherwise uncovered areas.

Joint LLC Seminars and sponsored Conferences

The LLC arranges a well-established high-level series of LLC Joint Seminars, and supports selected, locally arranged international workshops, summer schools and conferences within its field of activity.

Outreach Programme – Lund Laser Centre Homepage and Information Brochure

The Lund Laser Centre has a very active Outreach programme, including a regularly updated Homepage. The Homepage is key in the Centre outreach programme, and is complemented by an Information Brochure. LLC has a very wide International exposure through its partnership in the LASERLAB-EUROPE programme. Centre members are active in public outreach activities comprising, e.g. lectures, open-house arrangements and events for especially talented pre-university-level students. The LLC also arranges social activities like its annual LLC Excursion Day and seeks to create an informal and friendly general environment for its researchers to foster a spirit of collaboration and innovation.

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